- Jakarta. Counter-Terrorism Special Detachment (Densus) 88 will put an effort to deradicalize the children who joined the terrorist network of "Negara Islam Indonesia (NII), following the arrest of 16 NII terrorists in West Sumatra. This group is known to have recruited under-aged kids.
"Densus 88 will deradicalize the children who joined the network," said the Head Operational of Densus 88, Commissioner Aswin Siregar, Tuesday (29/3/2022).
Deradicalized is an act to neutralize the people who are indoctrinated by radicalism. Commissioner Aswin Siregar said that this deradicalization will involve several parties or stakeholders so that this program will go in accordance with the law.
"We also cooperate with The Ministry of Social and Muslim organizations to conduct this program," he said.
Densus 88 previously arrested 16 terrorists in West Sumatra on Friday, (25/3/2023).
The suspects were arrested in two different locations. In Tanah Datar, the authorities were able to arrest four terrorists, while in Dharmasraya 12 suspects were apprehended. The 16 terrorists are part of NII, which is an illegal group.
Each suspect has a different role and motive, from twisting the ideology of Islamic Law to toppling the government of Indonesia while under chaos.