- The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) appreciates the steps taken by the North Sumatra Police (Polda Sumut), to identify the inactive Langkat Regent as a suspect.
Komnas HAM said that the decision by Polda Sumut for the North Sumatran Regional Police to issue Terbit Rencana Perangin-Angin (TRP) as a suspect in the case of human slavery, is a significant step in law enforcement.
Komnas HAM Commissioner, Mohammad Choirul Anam on Jakarta said that apart from ensnaring the TRP with the article on the Crime of Human Trafficking(TPPO), Polda Sumut also charged the suspect with other articles regulated in the Criminal Code.
Komnas HAM assessed that the legal process in this human trafficking case was going quite well.
Komnas HAM also heard information that Polda Sumut was digging deeper into the recovery efforts of the victims. Referring to the TIP Law, there are laws that regulate the rights of victims due to the consequences of the crimes they experience.
This right refers to the rules of restitution for victims. Moreover, this case has been going on for almost 10 years, making it quite difficult for Polda Sumut to investigate.