Police Arrested The Domestic Violence Perpetrators in Nagan Raya

7 April 2022 - 23:42 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Nagan Raya. The Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of Nagan Raya Police (Polres Nagan Raya) managed to apprehend the perpetrator of domestic violence, the man with the initials AK (38) in a Gampong hut, Gunong Seumot, Beutong District, Nagan Raya Regency, Tuesday (5/4).

The arrest was led directly by the Chief Unit of Satreskrim, Bripka Ade Surya. The arrest was conducted based on the victim's report, and the police moved quickly to arrest the perpetrator, to hold him accountable for his actions to applicable laws and regulations.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit (Kasatreskrim) AKP. Machfud, Wednesday (6/4/2022) said that his party had secured AK because he had committed domestic violence against his 35-year-old wife DN, who is a resident of Meunasah Dayah Village, Beutong District.

AK was arrested by the Opsnal Unit in a hut, without any resistance. After the arrest, AK was immediately taken to the Nagan Raya Police Headquarters, for an examination in the Criminal Investigation Unit PPA Unit.

"Based on the results of the Visum, the victim, DN, had a bluish swelling on her forehead 2 cm, on her right back a bluish bruise of 2 cm, a bruise on her left elbow 2 cm, a bluish bruise on her right thigh 5×5 cm, a bluish bruise on her left thigh. 7 × 9 cm, and a bruise on the right calf measuring 18 × 10 cm," said Kasatreskrim Polres Nagan raya, AKP. Machfud.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator will be charged with Article 44 paragraph (1). Everyone who commits acts of physical violence within the household, as referred to in Article 5 letter a, will be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 5 years, or a maximum fine of Rp. 15 million rupiahs.

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